The Zebra Child & Youth Advocacy Centre is our community’s response to child abuse. When danger appears, zebras form a protective circle around their young. Our multi-disciplinary team at the Zebra Centre works the same way, providing supports to children, youth, and families as they navigate the investigative and judicial systems and move towards healing.
The Zebra Centre is powered by people. Educators have been involved since the Zebra Centre opened in 2002. We are now seeking volunteers with a passion for helping children and who are available during the day to attend court proceedings. As a Court Accompaniment volunteer, you will foster safety and strength for kids when they attend court proceedings. You can make a real difference in the lives of children and youth who have experienced abuse.
“I have been an active Zebra volunteer for the last several years. I have found the role of volunteer Court Accompaniment Advocate to be extremely humbling and fulfilling—you put your world aside to serve as a support for a child, youth, or family who is navigating the Alberta Justice system. It is wonderful to see that there are great people for these children and youth to turn to when they may have no one to support them. A person is a person, no matter how small. I am here to ensure their small voices are heard and they are seen.”
Visit to learn more or reach out to us at
~Cassandra, Volunteer
Hope is the expectation that something desirable can be achieved.
In the aftermath of a world pandemic, uncertainty continues to prevail as numerous wars, severe climate events, unceasing migration for political or economic reasons, increasing incidence of home-lessness and the rising cost of living are an ever-present reality confronting millions of people on a daily basis around the globe. Added to these conditions impervious to personal control, uncer-tainty, in the form of unexpected loss of good health, financial security, special relationships or status in the community can deplete a personal sense of hope.
Hope is about possibility, not probability, and does not emanate from ill will.
It is that small voice in a person’s heart that says “yes” to life. If nurtured, it invites, encourages, drives us forward and enables us to envision a future in which we are willing to participate. If that little voice is silenced, hope wanes or dies.
A person can intentionally choose hope as a way to address life circumstances. Firstly, health conditions, unhealthy relationships and any other personal affairs that are threats to hope must be acknowledged. Strategies require development and need to be practised in order to positively confront challenging situations. Be purposeful in associating with hopeful people.
As this year draws to a close, choose to remain hopeful and plan to meet whatever challenges the new year brings with a renewed sense of hope.
ERTA invites members to Wrap and Roll
Would you like to volunteer your time to wrap Christmas gifts for a great cause, with other ERTA members?
In support of the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation, you are invited to join ERTA volunteers for the Wrap and Roll event at Kingsway Mall! This fundraiser is a tradition for the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation and takes place begin-ning December 6. Volunteers at Wrap and Roll provide gift wrapping services to mall shoppers in exchange for donations to the Foundation.
Kingsway Mall graciously donates the facilities, and all wrapping supplies, so that 100% of the donations received come directly to the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation, benefiting students across the Division.
Established in 2010, the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation raises funds and awareness to level the educational playing field for children who come to the classroom at a disadvantage by supporting Division programs that exist outside of the Government of Alberta’s public funding.
Wrap and Roll dates for ERTA are scheduled on December 16, and 23 with two shifts available each day from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Members may register to bring a group of friends (maximum 4–5 people per shift) to volunteer or come alone and meet other ERTA members! If all time slots become full, additional dates may become available.
Please note that in addition, the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation is also seeking several Lead Volunteers to lead all of their volunteer shifts. The responsibilities would include opening and closing the gift-wrapping station, managing the donations and supervising the student/staff volunteers.
For details or to sign up as a volunteer, please email Janice Aubry at