Nominees For Board of Directors

The ERTA AGM, scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre in conjunction with the summer luncheon, affords branch members a chance to serve their colleagues by standing for election to the Board of Directors. A slate of fourteen candidates will be presented for election to the position of president, vice-president, secretary (2), membership coordinator, treasurer and director.
Phone Joan Harrison at 780-467-3885 or email her at before 6:00 p.m. on June 10 to nominate someone for a position on the board.
Nominations can also be made
from the floor at the meeting during the Call for Nominations. All candidates must be ERTA members and must attend in person or have consented in writing to stand for election.

 Who can join ERTA?

Membership in ERTA is open not only to several categories of retired teachers, but to many retired instructors of Alberta educational institutions and retired employees (support staff) of school boards, universities, colleges and technical institutions who have contributed to an Alberta government pension plan. Spouses of deceased members are eligible to join as non-voting members.
online to the ERTA website at to read about joining.

Keeping Current

Most ERTA members receive notices regarding newsletter availability and branch information bulletins via email. Receipt of ERTA announcements is dependent on your personal contact information being up to date.
If any of your contact information such as email address, postal address, or the phone number at which you prefer to be contacted (only one landline or one mobile number is kept on our membership registry) changes, advise Cliff Otto by emailing him at or calling him at 780-476-9264. If the membership registry has your up-to-date contact information, you will receive all current ERTA news.

Bylaw Revisions

The Societies Act specifies that the association’s membership be notified of any proposed amendments a minimum of twenty-one days prior to an organization’s annual general meeting.
The existing Bylaw cites May 15 as the deadline for submitting a nomination for an ERTA Honorary Life Membership. The revision would change the deadline date to April 30 to allow for sufficient time for the evaluation of each nomination and a recommendation to be made before the May board meeting.
The other change would involve substituting the uppercase letters in “Annual General Meeting” for lowercase ones in Bylaw 3.1.


Mayfield Dinner Theatre

On Golden Pond is the last show of this dinner theatre season. This relatable comedy is based on the routine life of a retired couple experiencing turbulent family relationships. Family dynamics are thrown into disarray when the teenage son of their daughter’s fiancé is thrust upon them while the younger couple travel to Europe.
Join family members and friends for the brunch presentation at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Telephone Vi Oko at 780-459-8013 with your seating request before sending her a cheque for $72.98 for Section C seating, made payable to the Edmonton Retired Teachers’ Association, at 20 Glenhaven Crescent, St. Albert, Alberta  T8N 1A5.
The Mayfield is featuring another incredible line-up of shows for next year’s theatrical season with only a small increase in ticket pricing.
The season begins with the Musicians Gone Wild series but this time in Nashville. Listen to the music of the likes of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Shania Twain and Dolly Parton on Wednesday, October 23. For seats in Section C, tickets are $87.26 and $96.18 for booths in Section B. Seating in other sections will cost more.
The Mayfield Dinner Theatre will celebrate its 50th anniversary throughout an elongated Christmas season with Flashback Fever. On Wednesday, November 20, reminisce about past productions as memorable moments over the last fifty years are recalled.
Seats for The Full Monty have been booked for Wednesday, March 26, 2025. The focus of this hilarious comedy is on a group of jealous, unem-ployed steelworkers from Buffalo who spy on their wives while they are on a ‘girls’ night out.’
Tickets have been reserved for the April 30, 2025, brunch production of Jersey Boys, the behind-the-scenes story of Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons.
Round out the stage season in July with Shirley Valentine, a hilarious comedy involving a bored housewife who accompanies a friend on an im-promptu trip to Greece, only to be abandoned when they arrive.


ARTA Nominations

Every October, elections are held at the ARTA annual general meeting (AGM) for three officer positions and the vacated positions on the six standing committees—Communications, Gov-ernance, Health Benefits, Pension and Financial Wellness, Strategic Planning and Advocacy, and Wellness.
Executive officer positions are one-year terms while committee members serve for four years except for Health Benefits Committee members who are elected to a five-year term.
Direction as well as oversight of the operation of the association are provided by the executive members. Committees have specific roles and responsibilities within the organization.
Prospective candidates will be able to access an information package from the ERTA president in early August. Nominations must be submitted to the ARTA office by September 12, 2024, to ensure inclusion in the AGM delegate package.
Branch members are urged
to contemplate joining their colleagues from across the province to provide forward-thinking leadership of the provincial association.

The most important thing in life is giving back.
                                        ~Michael R. Bloomberg