President’s Message – AGM 2024

This has been another excellent year for ERTA.  I regret being unable to join you today, but my wife and I are enjoying a cruise as we tour the Great Lakes.  This is a happy occasion as we celebrate her recovery from two hip replacements.
2023/04 has been a good year again for ERTA. There are many areas of this report where I could include names, but I have avoided this since it would be inevitable to miss someone, and all contributions are important and are valued by us. In terms of the Board members will be recognized by name during the nomination report.  Our numbers have continued to return as COVID moves further behind us – though we do need to keep an eye on healthy practices.  We have had time to visit with old friends and to welcome new members. We are quite pleased that this past year saw several of our new members join the Board and several more have offered to join for the coming year.
One initiative we undertook as a board was a review of payment procedures for dues and events.  We have now approved the option of paying of membership fees by e-transfer.  We will get details out to you soon through our web.  Members can still pay by cash or cheque.
Edmonton Public Teachers Local continues to be a good friend, providing opportunities for us to meet new retirees and we continue to provide the first year of membership at no cost to all new members. This year, I was given the opportunity to address an Edmonton Catholic retirement planning conference via zoom.  We hope to expand on this in the new year and are working on plans to strengthen this connection.
ARTA has continued to provide generous support to all branches.  Our participation in ARTA’s wellness activity grew from 5 to well over 60.  A positive response was indicated for the revamped format.  A number of these members also took time to enjoy the Muttart gardens after the walk subsidized by ERTA.  We held four luncheons here at the Chateau Louis which included a celebration of our first 60 years., some Christmas music and a sing along, an introduction to artificial intelligence, and today’s session updating us on ARTArx.   (continued)

We have had several surveys and received excellent input on both an exit survey of members leaving and a travel survey.
We have introduced wine tasting experiences which will expand in the new year and may include a coffee tasting experience and/or a chocolate adventure.  From the travel survey we have formed a travel committee and are offering a symposium in October and possible trips as we move this agenda forward.  This past year, tickets were purchased for the entire Mayfield season and the response was good. 
Two members represent us in the work of ARTA committees (Governance and Charitable Foundation) represent us on ARTA committees in addition to us having a seat as a Director on the Board.  We had six delegates representing ERTA at the ARTA AGM and three delegates in addition to ARTA committee members at the recent ARTA retreat.
Our Second Wind conference continues to thrive.  This coming year with the theme of changing gears will be the 11th annual wellness conference ERTA has sponsored. More detailed information has been left on your tables and I would encourage you to check out the Second Wind website.  ( click here )
ERTA works hard to communicate regularly with all members.  You can keep track of planned events and announcements by regularly checking our website at  This website was developed and is maintained and updated by our volunteer webmaster.  You also have our quarterly newsletters and regular calls from our phone committee.
Last year we recognized two new honorary life members, and we will recognize another in September. 
2023/4 has become the 60th year in our long and proud history and like all others it has left us with great memories.  We will miss those who are leaving the board – they have made their mark, and we are excited to welcome new members to our leadership team for 2024/5!

By Ed Butler