Wine Tasting

Comments from attendees at the first wine tasting event were very positive and most signed up for the second event.  On June 11, the second event wine tasting featured the wines of Chili.
Each event runs from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the MacTaggart Ridge Wine and Beyond store at 5962 Mullen Way. Participants gathered in their impressive tasting room for a delightful evening led by Thomas Coburger who is very knowledgeable about wine. Each person received six samples of wine as well as an appetizing charcuterie and cheese plate created by the Italian Centre Shop South. A fun and flavorful time was had by all.  The evening was capped off by an appreciation of Chili’s tasty wines and their wine growing country.

Wine (and Beer) Tasting Events 2024-25

Bring your friends and meet up with your former colleagues to learn about the marvelous wines of countries around the world! Thomas Coburger from Wine and Beyond will lead fun-filled evenings of wine tasting, set in the beautiful MacTaggart Ridge tasting room. Each wine event participant will receive six wine samples plus a small charcuterie and cheese plate from the Italian Centre Shop South, as well as a wealth of knowledge. One beer tasting event featuring a local Edmonton brewery is also offered. Registration is open now, space is limited so register early!  

  • Sept. 5 & 9: Wines of Argentina   
  • Oct. 17: Beer from a local Edmonton brewery (TBD)
  • Nov. 6: Wines of Italy (region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia) – led by presenter/producer from Jermann Wines 
  • Jan. 21 & 27: Wines of California
  • March 19 & 27: Wines of Portugal
  • May 22 & 26: Wines of Canada 

Dates: Please note that the second date of each set is a repeat presentation.
Location:  MacTaggart Ridge Wine and Beyond at 5962 Mullen Way 
Cost: ERTA members $33+ GST, non-members $38+ GST   
Time: Tasting room doors open at 6:00 p.m. for registration and social time. Presentation and tasting of wines (or beer) will occur from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 
Food: Please note that food allergies or preferences cannot be accommodated at these events.
Payment: The registration fee will be collected by staff at the store upon arrival. Debit cards, credit cards and cash will be accepted.  
Registration:  Use this link to register.  Registration closes one week prior to each date listed, and confirmations/reminders will be sent to participants.

More News
Some exciting events are being planned for members in the next few months please read your newsletter carefully, so you do not miss out on any of them.  See the event calendar below for some hints. There are some active or hot links to be aware of also for some of the events.  This information starts on News and Events and Opportunities tabs.

Events Calendar


Wine Tasting   September 5,
Wine Tasting   September 9,
Second Wind Conference        September 12, 
Fall Luncheon                   September 25,    
Beer Tasting (TBD)              Oct. 17,
Wine Tasting : Wines of Italy    November 6,      
Wine Tasting : Wines of California
                                 Jan. 21 & 27, 2025
Wine Tasting : Wines of Portugal  
                                 March 19 & 27, 2025
Wine Tasting : Wines of Canada
                                 May 22 & 26, 2025


Membership Report   &  Newsletter Distribution

By Cliff Otto

Canada Post
Not received by request
Total Memmbership

EdButler, our President, has a his message to us on the President’s Page in the Contact Us tab.

Join us for our fall luncheon at the
Chateau Louis 11727 Kingsway Avenue on September 25, 2024 at:  11:45 a.m.  On the menu is roast pork buffet.  The Cost remains at $35.00 and includes GST and gratuity.
Our speaker is Susan Carter, a comedian.  Susan will offer a humorous presentation entitled Retirement and Beyond – The True Age of Liberation?   
Everyone is eligible for a door prize.
Donations to the Food Bank are appreciated.

Luncheon Registration Deadline
Calls regarding luncheon attendance will be between September 13 and 18. September 18 is the deadline for registering. If you have not received a telephone call by 6:00 p.m. that evening and would like to attend the luncheon, contact Pam Roy at 780-473-5598 immediately.

Luncheon News 
Despite inflationary pressures, the Chateau Louis Conference Centre is not increasing the per plate price for our group for the 2024 fall and Christmas luncheons. Fees will remain at $35.00 per person.
Sadly, perogies will not be on the menu this time as that item significantly increases the cost.

Notice regarding future luncheon registrations.

To determine the number of people intending to attend each luncheon, all ERTA members have been receiving a phone call from our telephone volunteers. That option for registering will still be in place but the ability to register by email will be added as of the Christmas luncheon.
All members who currently receive their newsletter by email will find two links in their notice that the newsletter is available. One link will take you to the newsletter itself while the other will bring up a form where you can fill in the following information:  
·Are you planning to attend the luncheon?
·Are you bringing a guest (friend, spouse)? If so, how many?
·What are the names of your guests?
·Are their any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten allergies, religious constrains) that need to be accommodated? Please indicate.
Members who receive their newsletter by Canada Post will continue to get a friendly call about luncheon attendance. 
For September, everyone will get a call. If you want to stay on the newsletter email list but would like to receive a call about attending luncheons, please state your preference to the person who calls you. 
The intent for adding an email alternative for registering is to make the process more efficient.

Board Meeting Summary

The following decisions were made and information shared at the ERTA board meeting held at Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre on Wednesday, May 8, 2024: 

  • The presentation of a $200.00 gift card to the auditor upon completion of the audit of ERTA’s financial records was authorized.
  • Tickets have been reserved for the upcoming theatre season at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre (see Mayfield Dinner Theatre).
  • Additional wine tasting opportunities have been scheduled (see Wine Tasting).
  • Session topics and speakers have been con-firmed for the 2024 Second Wind Conference (see Second Wind Conference).
  • A deserving ERTA member will be granted an honorary life membership on September 25.

A Successful Wellness Walk

The ARTA Wellness Walk, held on April 25, was a great success. Over sixty members participated in the walk and each received a commemorative Heart and Sole T-shirt. The ERTA walk started at the Muttart Conservatory where parking is at a premium but, thanks to the Edmonton Ski Club who opened up their parking lot for our use, all cars were accommodated. Their kindness is very much appreciated.


Renewal notices have been sent out via email and Canada Post to those whose memberships have expired as of June 30th. Renewal of memberships can be done at the fall luncheon on September 25th or, you can mail your renewal cheque along with your completed membership application form to our new membership coordinator, Cam Colville, at 4505-42 Street, Beaumont, Alberta, T4X 1G9. If you have any questions about membership renewal, please contact Cam at 780-686-5125, or through email at


Living an Intentional Life

Throughout your life may you use
Your eyes to see the beauty of the world;  
Your hands to help others; 
Your mouth to speak kindness; 
Your mind to do good; 
Your heart to spread love; 
Your life to make a positive difference
In the lives of others and the world.