President’s Message

September 2024

I watched some of the coverage of the Democratic National Convention. The air was really electrifying and the spirit joyful. There was a true atmosphere of joy and hope with people believing they could make a difference.
Now let’s consider our own organization. I recently attended a board orientation gathering for the Edmonton Retired Teachers’ Association (ERTA) followed by the regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
This year, while some of our board members have moved on after a lengthy and generous service to the branch, several new people have joined the board.
That same energy was vibrating throughout the meeting. Returning board members along with new ones are supportive of the programs we currently offer and are ready to implement new initiatives as well. 
They are also committed to doing the hard work of reviewing current programs and procedures, identifying that which is working well, updating processes where necessary, and making changes to improve the organization. 
The next couple of years will be busy but we are committed to keeping you updated. The process of creating a long overdue statement of mission and vision will begin soon. 
So—stay tuned and enjoy the ride. The future is exciting! 

Ed Butler 
Edmonton Retired Teachers’ 
Ph:  780.461.0261