ERTA 2024 -2025
Board Members

Ed Butler

Past President:
Joan Harrison

Lyndi Karbonik

Janice Aubry

Marlene Kirwin

Bonnie Zack

Membership Coordinator:
Cam Coville

Ray R. Roy,

Other Board Directors:

Sue Stephenson

Gail Wozny

Mary Dunnigan

Lily Ma

Cliff Otto

Carol Williamson 


Other ERTA Contacts

    Phoning Committee Chair, 
Pam Roy,

Second Wind Committee Chairman


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Current Bylaws
(In pdf format)
Roles and Responsibilities
 of the ERTA Board
(in pdf format)

2023 AGM Minutes

The 2023 ERTA annual general meeting was held on June 7 in the Grand Ballroom of the Chateau Louis Conference Centre.    

  1. Call to Order
    Ed Butler, ERTA President, called the meeting to order at 1:24 p.m.
  2. Approval of Agenda
    Moved by Nadine Lung, seconded by Mike Mort, that the agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED.
  3. Approval of Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting
    Moved by Ray Roy, seconded by Sheila Mac-Kay, that the 2022 annual general meeting minutes be accepted as printed in the June 2023 newsletter. CARRIED.
  4. First Call for Nominations
    Joan Harrison, Nominating Committee Chair, read out the fourteen names on the slate of nominees. There were no nominees for the membership coordinator position. No response was received to the first call for nominations from the floor.
  5. President’s Report
    Ed Butler reported that the 2022–2023 year was a turning point as ERTA members began participating, sometimes hesitantly, in branch activities again. ARTA continued to provide a number of grants to the eighteen branches. Two ERTA members—Sheila MacKay and Vi Oko—serve on ARTA committees. Four luncheons and a successful Second Wind Conference were held. The Program Committee hosted an e-bike and a resistance band session along with two dinner theatre outings. Members were kept informed by postings on the website and through quarterly newsletters. ERTA’s 60th anniversary, a significant mile-stone for the organization, will be celebrated in September, at which time two honorary life memberships will be awarded.
  6. Membership Report
    Cliff Otto, Membership Coordinator, stated that ERTA has 372 regular, eighty-two complimentary, five honorary life and nineteen life members. Newsletters were emailed to 344 of the 478 members and mailed to the remaining 132. A total of 131 memberships are due for renewal at the end of June (forty-nine regular and eighty-two complimentary).
  7. Second Call for Nominations
    Joan asked for nominations from the floor for the individual board positions a second time.None were forthcoming.
  8. Treasurer’s ReportBonnie Zack, ERTA Treasurer, indicated that copies of the audited financial statement were available on each table. Income for the past year was $33,187.91, expenditures amounted to $25,265.14, leaving a year-end balance of $7,922.77. Assets in the form of prepaid membership dues total $7,932.00. Currently, there is $35,476.68 in the branch account. Moved by Bonnie Zack, seconded by Cliff Otto, that the 2022–2023 audited financial statement be adopted as distributed. CARRIED.
  9. Appointment of Auditor
    Moved by Ray Roy, seconded by Mike Mort, that Brian Jordan be appointed auditor for the 2023–2024 fiscal year. CARRIED.
  10. Election of ERTA Board of Directors
    Following the third call for nominations from the floor, the proposed slate of nominees was declared elected by acclamation: President—Ed Butler, Vice-President—Lyndi Karbonik, Secretaries (2)—Janice Aubry and Vi Oko, Treasurer—Bonnie Zack, Membership Coordinator—vacant, Directors—Lynn Arnold, Mary Dunnigan, Joyce Liska, Mike Mort, Cliff Otto, Ray Roy, Carol Williamson and Greg Wilson.
  11. Ed Butler acknowledged the service of those members leaving the board—Veronica Hellweg (ten years), Nadine Lung (seven years) and Sheila MacKay (nine years) as well as Cliff Otto who is stepping down from his executive position but will remain on the board as a director. The new members were warmly welcomed to the ERTA Board of Directors
  12. Adjournment
    The meeting was adjourned at 1:44 p.m.

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