Cam Colville, ERTA Membership Coordinator
The Edmonton Retired Teachers’ Association accepts as a full member, with voting privileges, and eligible to hold office, individuals who belong to one of the following education sector groups:
Membership is contingent upon the payment of the annual fee.
Newly retired teachers can receive a first year complimentary membership in ERTA and ARTA by submitting a completed membership form to both ERTA and ARTA indicating that they retired this year.
Note: ERTA membership fees are not prorated if you are joining part way through our fiscal year (July 1–June 30).
If you prefer, on your computer click on this link Membership Application to access the application.
Retired teachers are impacted by changing federal and provincial government policies. Fiscal policies, positively or negatively, affect the financial, health and social benefits enjoyed by retired teachers. ERTA can, with its provincial counterpart, the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ATRA), closely monitor policy changes and provide a means for retirees to voice their concerns on matters that affect their welfare. ERTA works in close association with ARTA to affect positive changes for retired teachers in the following areas: